Dental Marketing Ideas to boost sales for Dental Clinics and Hospitals

We all have those bad tooth days, and that’s when the search for the best dental clinics gets ticking, So, if you are a dentist, aiming to get more customers to approach you, how would you do it? Of course, you may be pro in Dentistry and its various specializations. However, there may be more established dental clinics and hospitals than you. So, you need to be more visible, more noticeable not just offline, but predominantly online,

This is why Dental Marketing should be part of your daily management errands from now on. Here’s a walk through on how to use Dental Digital Marketing Ideas to grow your presence on the web.

Dental Digital Marketing Techniques to Grow your Revenue

What is Dental Marketing?

If you are seeking a full-fledged marketing result, it is time to do dental digital marketing. Each industry requires a touch of digital marketing to go reach out to its customers far and wide. Dental Digital Marketing focuses on advertising, promoting, communicating, and engaging with dental patients, third-party dental product suppliers, and the medical communities through the web.

In the world of Dentistry, this is still evolving, and if you pick the right lines quickly – you can score the No.1 position on the Google search rankings in no time. If you are a dentist or wish to start a Dental Clinic in Florida or any place of your choice, we advise you would need to have a website and social media channels.

How important is dental marketing for your clinic?

Dental marketing has transformed a lot over the years and going into digital mode is very crucial to attract more stable sales and ever-growing customer bases.

7 Reasons why Dental Digital Marketing can help boost the business

Dental Digital Marketing is Affordable

Many of us would have started our dental clinics with decent word of mouth, billboards, announcements, fancy outdoor launches, or flyers. Well, that is good but expensive. Instead, if you own one website, or a mobile application, and connect with your audience through free social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.

Dental Marketing is Measurable

The number of likes, comments, and shares is a part of the number game when you look at digital marketing. This is truly measurable, as you can check the percentage of responses and how people have accepted your service. For instance, if you have started a new “dental floss service in Washington D.C.”, place a launch post, and see how people react to it.

Be Data Powered

Digital Marketing for Dental business is all data. This can garner a lot of inputs like age, gender, location-wise data, the most visited time of the day, etc. Such data will guide your digital marketers to place videos and posts, share news, and introduce offers in a better manner. Skip the guesswork, when you work with Dental Digital Marketing and make each effort countable.

Know your audience better

Who actually needs a specific dental service from your clinic? With digital marketing tools, dental clinics know their target audience and their mindset. This helps you to introduce custom made dental packages in the way they have been searching. Who would deny some special toothcare treatment? Know and make your audience feel special.

Watch your competitors

Recently noticed some customer rush to your competitor clinic. Could it be a giveaway, a new medical innovation, some Festive coupon, etc? Hop into their social media platforms and see what the latest news is on their feeds. Track, study and learn from your competitors in total privacy and at your own pace.

Know the global and local trends

Do not limit yourself to your competitors alone. Take a look around the major dental players and experts on the global front and even in your local areas. This will help you stay alert to the trends and also upgrade on time. Knowing who has been the talk of the town and for what, is definitely accessible from Digital Marketing, You just need to tag along and see who makes all the noise on social media.

Goal Oriented Actions

Dental clinics make their next move smartly as you have the data and know what your end user expects from you. Therefore Dental Digital Marketing syncs your business goals with your marketing actions. They bring in results automatically.

Proven Dental Marketing ideas for any Dental Clinic

Ready to makeover your dental clinic and scale up your profits charts? This is how you get on the best pathway to dental marketing this time.

Register in Listings, Directories

Let’s start with Local SEO, as that is where people do the maximum search. For this, you need to register in various listings, search pages, and online business directories. They are mostly free or will have minimal pay packages. Still, this is a great way to be noticed without much work. You can register and state your expertise on the below-listed websites. Mention your Clinic name, address, appointment time, and who are dental specialists for better reach.

  1. Yellow Pages
  2. Yelp
  3. Bing
  4. Yahoo Local
  5. Google My Business Profile
  6. Apple Maps Connect
  7. City Squares
    Apart from such listings, there are many doctor apps that have been specifically created to list the doctors in each locality. You can add your clinic too in this. These apps provide telemedicine solutions that include consultation, video calls, appointments, schedule management, etc
  8. Swell
  9. Medscape
  10. Doctor on Demand
  11. Enlive Dental
  12. Teladoc
  13. ZocDoc
  14. Dynamic Dental Scheduling
     Doctor-Patient Communities  Just like the doctor apps, some communities function like chat rooms and forums, where patients can consult on random topics with dental specialists. The platforms listed above are an excellent method to connect with third-party suppliers, patients, doctors, medicine and equipment manufacturers, etc. A lot of information is exchanged on such platforms,   
  15. FDI World Dental Association
  16. Online Dental community

    Google & Social Media Advertisements

    Next, we step into the Advertisement world, where you get the chance to place your paid ad campaigns on any social media platform. Understand how you work on these.

  17. Local territory Facebook Ads
    In wide territories in the USA, people would usually search for “Dental clinics near me” so you would want to place the local area name as part of your ad on Facebook
  18. Google Map Ads
    You may have a target customer searching for a “Dentist” on Google Maps. Don’t you want to be listed there? Or probably, “Dentist Massachusetts” like our example, your Dental Clinic can appear too in the list. The Map gives CTA options on the mobile to directly call or drive to the place as per GPS instructions.Google MapGoogle Map
  19. Income Targeting Ads
    Based on the data derived from your website visits, and social media clicks, you will have a general idea about the income background of your target audience.

    • Google Ads: Here, you can place an ad based on income, by choosing the Advanced Location, then Location groups, then Demographics, and then choose the slab of the household income you like to target. That will make your Google ad income targeted.
    • Social Media: Place your advertisements on Facebook and Instagram accordingly, so that the target audience is alerted in an optimized manner.
  20. Demography-based Facebook Targeting Ads

    When services like implants and cosmetic dental surgeries are concerned, women would prefer to look in their nearby locations. On Facebook, based on gender, age, location, and interest levels, these specific demographic advertisements can be launched on Facebook for a short period.

  21. Google Search Ads

    This comes with understanding the correct search terms with high search values. Get on Google Analytics and find which service gets a high search, It could be teeth cleaning, root canal treatment in Florida, etc. Place your specific ad on Google to reach your targeted audience through such investigations. Your Ad will appear on top of the examinations, as we have shared in the image below.

    Google Search Ads

  22. Facebook Messenger CTA

    A relatively innovative feature brought forth by Facebook. It gives Dental Marketing managers the pathway to place Ads with a Send Message CTA button. Once clicked by the target audience, it gets redirected to Messenger. Here, it fine-tuned into a direct consultation and a quick sales lead with such a facility.

  23. Appointment Calendar Alerts

    Who doesn’t love a reminder in this chaotic world? Previously, we would get a postcard or even an SMS. Today, sync such alerts with their Google calendars and help your clients to come for their dental visits on time.

    Optimizing SEO content

  24. Standard SEO for Dental clinics

    Be part of the common searches in your country or where you specialize. In case you are a cosmetic dentistry expert, make that part of your ads and make sure that your website is also SEO optimized with such references. A proper website will churn in visitor inflow at all times of the day, stabilizing a regular patient count always.

  25. Emergency related keywords

    Certain words are always in search and that should be part of your Dental marketing communications. These would be words like Emergency, and Urgent which are considered as High intent keywords. There are many people who may need a casualty service at the oddest hours. So, let your SEO reach out to them.

  26. Service-related/ Specialty wise keywords

    You need more patients at the end of the day. Think like the patient who would need various kinds of specialized dental treatments. Let these specializations be your SEO keywords and that will make your Dental Marketing more result oriented. Do not go in for general ones like ‘ Family Dentist in Brooklyn’. Instead, ‘cosmetic dental Brooklyn’ or ‘prosthodontics specialist in NYC’ are a few suggestions.

  27. Regular Organic Social Media Content

    All this while, we pondered upon paid campaigns. Let’s take a lighter note, but a stable and consistent one now. This should be organic social media content. Enlighten your audience with tips, suggestions about dental issues, and solutions. It should be value-added if it needs to be share-worthy across various social media platforms.

    User Engagement Tips

  28. Personalized Reminder emailers via email marketing

    Emailers are always communicative and so you can send reminder emailers about their visits, routine check-ups, or some dental camps taking place in the area.

  29. Awareness videos across social media

    Spread techniques, new technologies, and new experiments or discoveries that are related to your expertise through such live videos or even prerecorded videos.

  30. Gratitude Bonus Coupons

    Customer loyalty ought to be appreciated. Learn to celebrate it big via social media. Tag your customer, make them feel happy, and also convey how you have helped over a brief time period. Extending a bonus coupon is always an initiative for more dental visits and better reach

  31. Newsletters

    Strike a conversation with interested dental patients, through newsletters. Give a link to your website and add knowledge hubs for people to bookmark. They drive the attention in a silent manner.

  32. Referral Offers

    Give a discount offer for customer loyalty and good word of mouth, Nothing is more satisfying than when your client base speaks for you. Ask them to share your posts or bring in a friend for a special tooth service.

  33. Image-rich content to rank on Google Images

    Make sure that your website is detailed with images that have the right Alt Text for each image. You can do the same if you have videos to share too.

  34. Entertaining customer stories on social media (Reviews)

    Before you would have seen websites and online communities that speak about doctors. Now, another method of dental marketing is that take small videos from customers stating their experience in your dental clinic.

  35. Engagement with QA rounds and gifts

    Muse the crowds on social media with informative and interesting discussion rounds, Let this be a question-answer round, and make sure to gift the winners with a service or some dental-related product,

  36. First time user offer

    First-timers need a shout-out always. Make it special and let them feel cared for. Post it on social media with their permission. It builds a bond and leaves a positive review for the dental clinic.

  37. Dental Themed podcasts – Spotify

    Hold had interesting conversations with doctors and some of the dental care lovers. Have noteworthy jokes, conversations, stories that probe people to get tooth care from your company only.

  38. B2C Facebook Shorts for awareness and entertainment

    User the Facebook Shorts to send our crisp messages to your target audience.

    Business Growth

  39. Collaborate with dental product companies

    It has been a great chance to collaborate with many third-party manufacturers for equipment, medicines, and more over the past 3-4 months.

    Summing Up

    Nailing the perfect or rather the most optimal dental marketing techniques is often a mystery. Often dental marketing teams may engage in many digital marketing concepts but fail. This could be because they are not consistent in posting, or regularly communicating with their fans. Either way, you should try them, study the data given in Google Analytics and then take up the right strategy that fits your bills and goals.


Article by

Founder & CEO @ LogicRanks, (Simply Put, I’m in charge of this exciting venture and we’ve some EPIC blogs taking shape). Gotcha 14+ year entrepreneurial ride where I have donned the "Strategic digital marketer and multi-faceted business consultant” cap. That got me unfolding these awesome blogs published here. Nonetheless, my versatile experience & learnings in real-time, proven digital marketing ventures & notable business journeys are wrapped with innovation, research, and result-oriented accolades. Stay with me on this journey :)

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